Tuesday, February 03, 2004

If You Love Someone........

If You Love Someone
If U Love Some One Because U Think That He Or She Is Really Gorgeous,
Then It's Not Love - It's "Infatuation"

If You Love Someone
If U Love Some One Because U Think That U Shouldn’t Leave Him Because Others Think That U Shouldn't,
Then It's Not Love - It's "Compromise"

If You Love Someone
If U Love Some One Because U Think That U Cannot Live Without His Touch,
Then It's Not Love - It's "Lust"

If You Love Someone
If U Love Some One Because U Have Been Kissed By Him,
Then It's Not Love - It's "Inferiority Complex"

If You Love Someone
If U Love Some One Because U Cannot Leave Him Thinking That It Would Hurt His Feelings,
Then It's Not Love - It's "Charity"

If You Love Someone
If U Love Some One Because U Share Everything With Him,
Then It's Not Love - It's "Friendship"

But If U Feel The Pain Of The Other Person More Than Him Even When He Is Stable And U Cry For Him..That 'S Love

If U Get Attracted To Other People But Stay With Him Without Any Regret..That 'S Love

If U Let Him Go Knowing That He Has To Go But He Doesn't Want To..That 'S Love

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